Becoming a Trainer of GRIP-Birkman Coaches

Becoming at Trainer is a calling… a calling to expand the Body of Christ by equipping individuals who want to build unity in their local context.  Read below for more information.

Many GRIP-Birkman coaches feel called to become GRIP-Birkman trainers so that they can equip and empower additional coaches to effectively use the GRIP-Birkman for kingdom purposes. Freeing men and women to actively engage in mission with Jesus in local churches around the world, as they embrace and live out the beauty of who God created them to be, is an amazing opportunity for GRIP-Birkman trainers. Trainers truly experience indescribable feelings of power, joy, and fruit as they participate in equipping God’s people for God’s mission. It is one way to recover the Biblical vision for stewarding the church, a step in moving from I to We.

1.  Complete the GRIP-Birkman Coaches training.

2.  Complete a GRIP-Birkman (GB) coaching dialogue with a minimum of 25 individuals. These do not necessarily have to be new GB clients—just 25 individuals you have led through a GB conversation. This number may include team building events if you have coached individual participants as part of the team event.

3. Lead or co-lead at least two team building events using the GB. This can include coaching a team of any size and for any length of time (half-day or more).

4. Complete the Birkman® Signature Training. This is available through the GB Leadership Team for a discounted price. Contact Larry Gay for more information.

5.  Co-lead a GB Coaches Training with an approved GB trainer. (Contact the GB Training coordinator for the list of approved trainers.)

6.  Schedule and recruit participants.

  • Meet with co-trainer prior to training event to prepare for the shared training roles (this does not need to be face-to-face; it may be on phone or by video conference).
  • Train, at a minimum, the Birkman Map ® and Areas of Interest, plus Grip’s Team Styles and Body Building Roles.
  • Meet with your co-trainer for daily debriefing sessions.

7.  Meet with your GB co-trainer for a minimum of two follow-up calls to assure follow-through and understanding of all key issues.

8.  Develop a mentoring relationship with an experienced GB trainer, connecting by phone for mutual support and encouragement four to six times a year.

No. Signature Training is open to anyone who wants to advance their understanding of the Birkman ® Method and how to use the more detailed Components in combination with Grip. (Read more about Signature Certification)

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Larry Gay

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